
Charlie and Sally

I was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay area and am a fifth generation Californian. I was lucky enough to grow up with 100 acres of hills behind my house, yet only being a half hour away from San Francisco. The large piece of land I grew up on afforded me the opportunity to spend a lot of time outside and have a variety of animals. I was also fortunate to spend summers at Lake Tahoe and live a block from the beach in Santa Barbara for many years.  As a result, I love the outdoors, particularly water and animals.

After pursuing a career in Chemistry and ultimately working in science related policy, I began beading with a friend from college while at home for the holidays.  I had always loved jewelry and had a fantasy, that someday, I would be able to make and design my own pieces.

Jewelry making combines the best of my skill sets.  It requires imagination and creativity, but also has elements that require logical planning, measurement and technical design considerations. I have a traditional style, but am influenced by elements of nature. I enjoy working in silver and gold, incorporating precious and semi precious stones into my designs.   My goal is to create items that are very wearable, making a subtle statement. 

- Sally E. Hamlin